Welcome to TPC’s new mindfulness video series for seniors.
We are producing these instructional videos because at TPC, we believe that a healthy mind makes for a healthy body.
In this, the first video in the series, TPC physiotherapist Joh takes us through an introduction of what mindfulness is and why it is important to integrate it into our day.
She then leads us through a 3-minute mindfulness breathing exercise.
More videos to come!
An introduction to mindful movement for Australian seniors
The last couple of years have been challenging for many of us. External factors outside of our personal control have affected us in many ways, causing levels of unease and anxiety not experienced before.
Now, more than ever, continues to be a time to embrace slowing down and enjoying the simpler things in life.
In times of uncertainty and stress, moving the body in a mindful way can be beneficial for both body and mind, allowing us to move from a state of worrying and overthinking things into one of calmness and clarity.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a way of living that can be cultivated.
It is about being in the moment, having awareness, being non-judgmental and accepting things the way they are.
Mindful movement doesn’t need to be complicated or fancy.