As Melbourne and Sydney continue to live with growing Covid numbers in the community, we thought it timely to outline what we’re doing at The Physio Co to ensure our senior clients not only stay mobile and happy … but safe and healthy as well.
The safety and wellbeing of all TPCers and their clients are of the utmost importance to us. It’s with this in mind we have created a Covid-Safe Plan that outlines expectations for all of us here at TPC to follow, until such time when the world is a much safer place to be.
Of course, Government direction supersedes this Covid-Safe Plan and as such, we aim to move quickly in the event that the rules change. But at this point in time (mid-January, 2022), following are the actions we ask of everyone here at TPC:
- First and foremost, we follow guidelines as set down by the State Government.
- For all new clients, we ask set Covid questions and remind them that if they show any symptoms, to please cancel their appointment (N.B. there is no cancellation fee in the event someone is unwell or needs to be tested or isolate); the main questions we ask include: does the client have any Covid-related symptoms? Have they been exposed to the virus, and are they undergoing quarantine? Are they fully vaccinated?. We also ensure we know who will be at the appointment: will a carer, such as a son or daughter, be attending? If so, we ask them the same questions.
- As a double check-in, our physios call clients before they arrive to ensure it is safe to continue.
- We practice safe hygiene before and after appointments at all times.
- For our in-person exercise classes, TPC will uphold the vaccination policy for attendees, as dictated by the respective State Government.
For our part:
- Everyone at TPC is double vaccinated.
- It’s a requirement that physios advise us if they are showing any symptoms that could be Covid-related. If they are, we make them get tested and isolate at home until they get the results.
- Our physios wear the required level of personal protective equipment (PPE) based on government guidelines and risk assessment. This means a surgical facemask as a minimum, and more where indicated.
- We strictly follow other recommended infection control measures, such as frequent washing of hands, and social distancing as much as possible (obviously hands-on treatment makes this difficult but as a rule, at all other times we try to distance ourselves from others where practical, by at least 1.5 metres).
The Physio Co continues to closely monitor ongoing changes in protocol as set out by the relevant government authorities and will continue to ensure best practice standards are maintained at all times. We will continue to update our CovidSafe Plan to ensure any risk to TPC physios and our clients is minimised/eliminated.
If you have any questions regarding our Covid-safe plan, or more detail on what that looks like when we visit you or a loved one at home, please contact us to discuss further on 1300 797 793.
Article written by Mike Quinn, TPC Ops Guy